There are no foolish questions
There are only foolish answers
/Questions, I. Abramova/
Answer a question. Get money prize.
It necessary correctly and precisely to answer a question concerning activity of our Club. For a victory in this competition you have to know the Club well or you have to be sharp.
Today our question is.
How many new happy pairs were created with a help of our Lonely Hearts Club in 2001?
Drop us your version of your answer to our email, and we will pay you money. If your answer is correct, surely.
Prize in this contest is $5.
We pay you money and change the question. If nobody could answered correctly in one month, we draw lot and give the prize away to one of the members who gave us a wrong answer.
However, the questions will be very easy. We are sure all answers will be found.
Good luck!
Where to go?
Email - drop us a message according contests from the Lonely Hearts Club.
Thank you for visit! I wish you great success in love and business!
CopyRight (R), CopyLeft(L), CopyCat(C) 1974 - 2074 Lonely Hearts Club
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